News Coverage
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Long Island Business News, April 27, 2020
By David Winzelberg
Long Island Business News, March 20, 2020
By Kyle Strober
Long Island Business News, March 20, 2020
By Adina Genn
Keep an eye on Preet
March 3, 2015 : Desmond Ryan, ABLI Executive Director
LIBN: Building Blocks
March 8, 2019: Dave Winzelberg, LIBN
Newsday: Bellone offers end run to tax cap
March 6, 2019: Yancey Roy, Newsday
Newsday: Renewed push for crossing safety
March 5, 2019: Alfonso Castillo, Newsday
Newsday: 'Closed for business'
February 15, 2019: James Madore, Newsday
News12: Amazon dumps NYC headquarters and its promised 25,000 jobs
February 14, 2019: Christine Insinga, News12
LIBN: Amid pushback, leaders stress opportunity in Amazon deal
February 10, 2019: Adina Genn, LIBN
Newsday: Seeking energy tally
February 7, 2019: James Madore, Newsday
Newsday: LI graduation rates dip
January 31, 2019: John Hildebrand, Newsday
Newsday: Study to eye rail options
January 23, 2019: Alfonso Castillo, Newsday
LIBN: Long Island congressional leaders act to reinstate SALT deductions
January 17, 2019: Dave Winzelberg, LIBN
Newsday: Seeking tax breaks
January 8, 2019: Robert Brodsky, Newsday
LIBN Op-Ed: Long Island's political future needs a suburban state Senate caucus
November 29, 2018: Kyle Strober
LIBN: Ready for Prime time: benefits, challenges of Amazon's HQ2 for LI
November 16, 2018: David Winzelberg, Long Island Business News
LIBN: Curran makes changes to Nassau's crippled assessment system
October 5, 2018: David Winzelberg, Long Island Business News
Newsday: Builder fighting apprenticeship rule
October 3, 2018: Victor Ocasio, Newsday
LIBN: Rainy days and money
September 28, 2018: David Winzelberg, Long Island Business News
Newsday: Double Track by end of summer, LIRR says
August 20, 2018: Alfonso Castillo, Newsday
LIBN Op-Ed: Take steps now to prevent a demographic catastrophe
August 17, 2018: Kyle Strober
Newsday: Developers urge change in IDA ratings
August 2, 2018: James Madore, Newsday
Newsday: Seeking housing aide
July 6, 2018: Victor Ocasio, Newsday
LIBN: Tempest in the tax code
June 29, 2018: Claude Skolnick, LIBN
Newsday: Taxing Internet Shopping
June 22, 2018: Victor Ocasio, Newsday
Newsday: Residents debate plan to develop Syosset site
May 2, 2018: Ted Phillips, Newsday
Times Beacon: Leadership in LIPA dispute
April 26, 2018: Kyle Strober, Letter to Editor
Newsday: Don't count on lower LIPA bills
April 23, 2018: Mark Harrington, Newsday
Newsday: Brokerage cited for "ingenious" deal
April 20, 2018: Victor Ocasio, Newsday
Newsday: LIRR chief to resign
April 12, 2018: Alfonso Castillo, Newsday
LIBN: Taxation without generation
March 30 2018: Claude Skolnick, LIBN
Newsday: LIPA tax plan in works?
February 28, 2018: Mark Harrington, Newsday
Newsday: Plan's tilt to local funds is a poor fit for LI, experts say
February 12, 2018: Alfonso Castillo, Newsday
LIBN: Court puts brakes on Oyster Bay’s apprenticeship law
February 8, 2018: David Winzelberg, Long Island Business News
LIBN: Destination Unknown
January 11, 2018: David Winzelberg, Long Island Business News
LIBN: The Year of the Woman
January 4, 2018: Adina Genn, Long Island Business News
Newsday: Schools Sued Over Taxes
December 29, 2017: Scott Eidler, Newsday
Newsday: What Tax Reform Means For LI
December 17, 2017: Tom Brune, Newsday
Newsday: Protesting tax bill; Health care changes
December 3, 2017: Nicole Fuller, Newsday
Newsday: Curran announces lineup for transition
November 14, 2017: Paul LaRocco, Newsday
Newsday: Tax bill called 'punch in the gut'
October 13, 2017: John Asbury, Newsday
Newsday Letters: Flexibility is needed to lure big employer
October 9, 2017: Kyle Strober, ABLI
Newsday: All Aboard
September 3, 2017: Alfonso Castillo, Newsday
Staying Above Water
August 20, 2017: Maura McDermott, Newsday
Newsday: The LIRR's Mass Transformation
August 8, 2017: Alfonso Castillo, Newsday
Newsday: LIRR 3rd track backers happy
July 13, 2017: Alfonso Castillo, Newsday
Newsday Letters: LIPA court date could bring a settlement
June 4, 2017: Kyle Strober, ABLI
Newsday: Tracks of our tears
April 28, 2017: Alfonso Castillo, Newsday
Newsday: LIPA offers to settle suit over Port Jefferson power plant taxes
March 28, 2017: Mark Harrington, Newsday
Critics making waves on water bill
March 9, 2014 : Michael Dobie, Newsday Editorial Board
State transportation post vital to LI
January 17, 2014 : Desmond Ryan, ABLI Executive Director
Envisioning a new Hub
December 12, 2012 : Michael Polimeni, ABLI Board of Directors
Mr. Cheney, LI has some questions
October 17, 2012 : Michael Polimeni, ABLI Board of Directors
Developers, help preserve history
September 12, 2012 : Jan Burman, ABLI President & Louis Fortunoff, ABLI Board
Mangano doesn't need Wang on the ice
July 20-26, 2012 : Desmond Ryan, ABLI Executive Director
Ryan's Hope
December 3-9, 2010 : David Winzelberg, Long Island Business News
Avalon Backlash Hits Newsstands
October 28, 2010 : David Schrafel, Long Islander